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文旅頭條 | 走!跟著美食游安徽

2022-06-30 14:39:50 來源: 安徽省文化和旅游廳   編輯:田雙   


漁歌唱晚 Fisherman singing at sunset



Yangtze River and the Huaihe River divide Anhui into three plates, withfour different flavors of tasty food: traditional Hui School cuisine in southern Anhui, delightful delicacies along the Yangtze river, rich flavors blending both north and south characteristics in central Anhui, and simple but marvelous ingredients in northern Anhui—the four food culture circles in Anhui.

Anhui is spiritual with its natural sceneries, poetic with its rich culturesand attractive with its special foods. Have a tour of food tasting in Anhui, and enjoy it!



宏村春色 Spring in Hongcun




徽州刀板香Huizhou's Daobanxiang (Salted Bacon)


徽州毛豆腐 Hairy Tofu in Huizhou

The southern part of Anhui province is mountainous with various lakes and rivers, which not only constitute famous scenic spots, but also provide an inexhaustible of food for Anhui cuisine. Anhui cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China, characterized in big cooking fire while cooking and dishes with heavy oil and heavy colors. Native vegetables and wild animals are the main ingredients.

Ham, Mati Turtle, stone cock, crab appear as ingredients from time to time, with the company of bamboo shoots, fungus, mushrooms and bracken. Unique ingredients and special cooking feature Anhui cuisine.

The Yellow Mountain is famous for its pines, rocks, clouds, hot springs and snowy scenery. Bamboo shoots, braised wax gourd with ham, pork, bacon, fish from spring water, noodles with toppings, hairy tofu... these delicacies are the perfect match for these places.

徽州臭鱖魚 Stinky Mandarin fish from Huizhou


黎陽 in 巷“In” Lane of Liyang


新安江山水畫卷歙縣段 Xin’an River Landscape Scroll— Shexian County section

Tunxi Old Street has a charm of Tang and Song Dynasty: smelly mandarin fish in Huizhou, stinky tofu, Tunxi drunk crab… you can find authentic taste of thesedelicacies.

The "In" Lane of Liyang blends classicality and fashion, collecting stylish dishes from all over the world.


宣城,中國(guó)文房四寶之城。“江城如畫里,山晚望晴空。” 天藍(lán)、山青、水綠、味美、詩(shī)濃,另一片有特色的皖南。

涇縣桃花潭景區(qū) Peach Blossom Lake Scenic Area in Jingxian County

敬亭山上清風(fēng)來,桃花潭水碧悠悠。青龍灣的秀色纏綿在云間, 水墨汀溪的韻味氤氳在畫里。50 多家 A 級(jí)景區(qū),怎么玩也玩不夠。一條皖南川藏線,串起的不僅是美景,還有美食。胡適一品鍋、水陽三寶、茂林糊、油燜筍尖、績(jī)溪撻馃、火烘魚鍋貼,旅游有樂趣,品嘗是真味。


績(jī)溪徽州民俗賽瓊碗 A Custom in Jixi County, Huizhou— Saiqiong Bowl (One Sacrifice Anniversary)

Xuancheng, the city of China's Four Treasures of the Study, is a special city insouthernAnhui with its characteristics: breeze from Jingting Mountain and clear water in Peach Blossom Pool Lake.

Hu Shi Hotpot, three treasures from Shuiyang County, Maolin soup, braised bamboo shoot, Jixi County pancake, fire baked fish pot with fried dumplings,tours with these will be much fun.

色香誘人的胡適一品鍋 Hu Shi Hotpot



貴池小粑 Small Pancakes in Guichi District


陵陽鍋?zhàn)友?Pot Feast in Lingyang


秋浦花鱖 Mandarin fish in Dongzhi County

Not only did Li Bai love the Yellow Mountain and Xuancheng city, but also Chizhou City. The Mandarin Fish in Dongzhi County is mouthwatering.

"Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy? He points at Apricot Village faraway.” When Du Mu drank wine, perhaps he also had some Tao Yuanming Ruyi rolls and golden cakes?

九華山花臺(tái)風(fēng)光 Flower Platform on the Mount Jiuhua

Shitai wild pork and General Lake fish head, the freshness and aroma linger in your body. Small pancake in Guichi, Tofu by Mr Ge, Langsui tofu, ball made from kudzu powder, vegetarian food from Jiuhua Mountain—all of them are plain but delicious.

You’ll never see enough from the beautiful mountains and waters, while the horse is eager to go back home with the moonlight. Enjoying the native food during the journey perhaps leaves a lifelong memory for you to look back on.





馬鞍山采石磯茶干 Caishiji Dried tea-flavor Bean in Ma’anshan


采石磯風(fēng)光 Caishiji Scenery View

"What can satisfy me? Only wine and drinking.”Tao Yuanming had been drunk with Maanshan's rice wine, as well as Li Bai. Shiji dried bean curd is fragrant and chewy, and with a romantic story. The food named after the poet is still popular today.

A scoop of the Yangtze River water absorbs the taste of different places, which becomes the memory on the tip of the tongue and blends into the warm and nice nostalgia.



荷香燒麥 Steamed Chinese Dumplings with Lotus fragrance

蕪湖傳統(tǒng)小吃 Wuhu's traditional snacks


夜游鳩茲古鎮(zhèn) A Night Tour of the Ancient Town of Jiuzi

Wuhu is cheerful, with Fangte Amusement Park; Wuhu is elegant, with the quaint town of ancient Jiuzi. Wuhu cuisine is a representative of the Anhui cuisine along the Yangtze River, especially with the cooking of river and lake fish.

蕪湖十里江灣風(fēng)光 Wuhu Bay scenery

Shrimp noodle with the dense taste can remind you of home. The “Eight Fresh from Water” is a specialty of Wuhu. There are two kinds of “Eight Fresh”: the vegetable version and the meat version. Wuhu's various traditional snacks are still memories of many Wuhu people.



夕照大通古鎮(zhèn) The Old Town of Datong at sunset

城市生態(tài)畫卷——銅陵天井湖 A picture of urban ecology—Tianjing Lake in Tongling


銅陵白姜(組圖)Tongling White Ginger(Photos)

The old streets of the ancient Datong has witnessed many merchants of different dynasties, and the Fengdan(a special species of peony) in Tongling has attracted many tourists since ancient times. You can enjoy the braised fish in brown sauce by Tianjing Lake, appreciate the smoothness of handmade noodles in Fushan County, feel the local customs from the special pork soup in Zhongming Town, and you will find Tongling's white ginger the most impressive.



胡玉美蠶豆辣醬 Hu Yumei Horsebean Chili Sauce

制作蠶豆醬 The Making of Horsebean paste


翻炒米粒至金黃 Stir-frying the Rice

老雞湯泡炒米 Fried rice in Hot Chicken Soup

Anqing is the land of the ancient Anhui. Huangmei Opera has a lasting appeal while the Tianzhu Moutain is high. The clash of cultures brought about the fusion of food and drink, forming the "taste of Anqing".

安慶沿江風(fēng)光 Anqing River View

The roasted pork with flour balls, which is smooth and soft; the fish head of Huating Lake, which is fresh and tender; the braised pork cooked in the ancient Doumu pottery of Qianshan... each flavor is derived from nature, and can be a kind of enjoyed. Jiangmao dumplings and Anqing fried rice, retain the vivid memories of Anqing.


皖中合肥、滁州、六安,獨(dú)特的地理風(fēng)貌,形成了豐富的自然與人文景觀。江淮分水嶺將一粒水分為兩爿,一爿歸長(zhǎng)江,一爿給淮河,嶺上風(fēng)光旖旎,嶺下風(fēng)情萬種, 崇山峻嶺中的六安則是要多絢麗有多絢麗、要多厚重有多厚重。



巢湖蝦糊 Chaohu Shrimp Paste Soup

巢湖市月亮灣濕地公園 Moon Bay Wetland Park in Chaohu


合肥罍街龍蝦盛宴 Lobster Banquet in Leijie, Hefei

三河特色拉糖 The Making of maltose in Sanhe

In Central Anhui, Hefei, Chuzhou and Lu'an, with their unique geographical features, form a rich natural and cultural landscape.

三河古鎮(zhèn)游船碼頭 Cruise Ship Terminal in Sanhe


三河古鎮(zhèn)街頭游客品嘗黃澄澄的脆米餃 Tourists Taste Golden Rice Dumplings on the Street in Sanhe

Hefei is an old city, set up besides water. Delicious foods are mouth-watering: Wushan Goose, fresh Feixi County Chicken Soup, crisp Sanhe Rice dumplings, and fragrant Tongyang Cake. The Lamplight of Leijie Street and Gongjie Street show the fashion, while the bluestones of the 12 towns around Chaohu Lake, reflect the old times by their beautiful scenery and delicious foods.



滁州醉翁亭 The Zuiweng Pavilion in Chuzhou

池杉湖濕地公園 Chishan Lake Wetland Park

宋城一角,自有湖光月影。走太平,去吳敬梓的故里探訪。明故宮,去找“鳳陽本是個(gè)好地方”的原味。池杉湖,去觀白鷺清晰的翅膀。紅石峽,去領(lǐng)略大自然的狂放。天長(zhǎng) 99 號(hào),愛與情的相伴,《好一朵美麗的茉莉花》正是心與心的碰撞……

制作手工掛面The Making of Hand-made Noodles


馬廠羊肉面Mutton Noodle in Machang

"The Story of Zuiweng Pavilion" records the name of Chuzhou in history. You can go to Songcheng attraction to enjoy the moon besides the lake, go to Taiping to visit Wu Jingzi's hometown, or go toMinggu Palace to see why "Fengyang County is a good place”( lyrics from Fengyang Flower Drum song).

Delicious fish feast, boiling mutton noodles, silver Meibai fish—they are not only delicious foods, but also the feelings and wisdom. Chuzhou food also includes whole mutton soup, Guanba beef, and crispy Chuzhou carp.



葉集風(fēng)干羊肉 Dried lamb in Yeji District


六安佛子嶺水庫(kù)風(fēng)光 The scenery of Fuziling reservoir in Liu’an

Surrounded by the clear waters, the green Dabie Mountain area is like a landscape painting-scroll of Lu'an.Tiantangzhai Mountainous area, White Horse Mountain,Foziling scenic spot... Lakes and mountains are perfectly matched with each other here with poetic romance. White goose, native pigs, goat, fresh river fish, kudzu powder, and chestnuts... Good ecology is the foundation for the native ingredients, the taste of which varies in different cooking practices.

金寨吊鍋 Special Hanging pot Jinzhai County

Ouyang Xiu, Bao Zheng, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, Wu Jingzi, Li Hongzhang… The legends are vivid and well- told generation after generation, from which Baohe Lotus Root, Li Hongzhang Pot of food come. There are also different banquets: the Taishou(prefecture chief in feudal China) banquet, Hongwu(Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang period) banquet, the scholars banquet, the general banquet… All of these represent not only the enthusiasm of central Anhui people but also their local culture. Beautiful sceneries and delicious foods cannot be delayed, which has been the same for thousands of years.





榴園地鍋雞 Liuyuan Chicken Pot


淮北運(yùn)河古鎮(zhèn) The ancient town of the Huaibei Canal

Northern Anhui land, whose sky is high and the earth is thick, has been vast since the ancient times.

Simplicity, is the continuation of the cultural heritage of Huaibei: Flavored Gigot, Roast Chicken, Braised Fish with Mutton, Liuyuan Pot Chicken...full of ingredients and seasoning, leading to marvelous flavor.



渦陽義門熏牛肉 Smoked Beef in Yimen,Guoyang

亳州曹操雞 Cao Cao Chicken in Bozhou


亳州中藥材大市場(chǎng) Market for Chinese Traditional Medicine in Bozhou

亳州曹操地下運(yùn)兵道 Underground Troop Transport Road, Bozhou

Bozhou is a historic city rich in culture: Cao Wei culture, Lao Zi & Zhuang Zi culture, Traditional Chinese Medicine culture… All these cultures blend into everyday diet, bringing about the famous dish— Cao Cao Chicken.

Beef bun, Yimen Smoked Beef — if you haven’t tasted these two, you can’t boast you’ve been to Bozhou.



蕭縣魚咬羊 Braised Fish with Mutton in Xiaoxian County

澮水是淮河支流。飼草豐茂的環(huán)境是羊得天獨(dú)厚的養(yǎng)殖條件。蕭縣 “伏羊節(jié)”值得趕一趟。醇醇的羊肉湯,蒜香芫荽香羊肉香,熱氣騰騰撲面來,鮮而不膻,風(fēng)味雋永。

蕭縣伏羊節(jié)斗羊 A sheep fight on "Fu Yang Festival"(eating Mutton on the dog days of summer)

In Suzhou, there is the autumn beauty of Huangzangyu, and the pear blossoms in Dangshan County. The renowned Fuliji County Roast Chicken is verified to have a long history with the unearthed relics from tombs in Han Dynasty.

符離集燒雞 Fuliji Roast Chicken

Xiaoxian County "Fu Yang Festival"(eating Mutton on the dog days of summer) worth a trip. The mutton soup, fresh but not with strong smell, has a lingered aftertaste.



肥美的沱湖螃蟹Fat Crabs from Tuohu Lake

沱湖捕撈 Fishing in Tuo Lake


蚌埠龍蝦夜市 Lobster Night Market in Bengbu

老蚌埠紅燒螞蝦Braised Lobster in Black Sauce in Bengbu

Bengbu is a city based and constructed along the railway, so it blends both the north and south of Anhui food: Sesame Cake Sandwich Fillet, Spiced Dried Bean Curd, Clam with Shrimp Ball inside, which are mouth-watering. In Bengbu night market, with bright lights, the attractive lobsters look hot and fragrant. Enjoy the night market, and you’ll know happiness of life is simple with delicious food.



太和板面 Taihe Noodles

阜陽枕頭饃 Fuyang Pillow-shaped Steamed Buns

潁州西湖景區(qū)West Lake in Yingzhou District

The fine flour produced in the north plains of Anhui has a dense texture, which can be made into different kinds of flour food: the Fuyang Pillow- shaped Steamed Buns, Gela Noodles, Taihe Noodles… All of those made with fine flour are delicious for diners.



制作豆腐花 The Making of beancurd

磨豆?jié){ The Making of Soybean Milk

The Chinese style of Chu Dynasty is a cultural feature of Huainan. Huainan Beef Soup, just the thought of it, is enough to make your mouth water. The Bagong Mountain Bean Curd, the Fish Head Pot with Bean Curd, the Huaishang Bean Curd Row, the Happy Bean Curd Roll and so on, you’ll be satisfied from mouth to stomach.

劉安點(diǎn)丹 Liu An Specialty(Bean Curd of Bagong Mountain)

壽縣大救駕 Dajiujia(Big Rescue, a special dim sum)in Shouxian County

With abundant food, Northern Anhui is renowned for its Baijiu-making. Clinking with the cup of Baijiu in your hand and making a toast to your friends is the cool and refreshing way of hospitality there.

安豐塘 Anfeng Pond

安徽省委、省政府明確提出,要實(shí)施皖美旅游、皖美味道、皖美消費(fèi)行動(dòng)。“皖美好味道 百縣名小吃”美食品牌工程,旨在不斷挖掘、傳承和弘揚(yáng)安徽美食文化。“皖美好味道 百縣名小吃”專題網(wǎng)站已正式上線。點(diǎn)擊線上“美食地圖”,200 道美食“藏”在 100 多家體驗(yàn)店、體驗(yàn)街區(qū)和美食村里,等著南來北往的食客們打卡!



圖片/許家棟 曹晉鳳 周冰 張明偉

宋善忠 潘華業(yè) 章恒全 張平 饒頤


文 / 方華

圖 / 孫學(xué)杰 甄哲軍 齊欣

胡婷婷 張倩瑩


文 / 張建春

圖 / 張大崗 束從余 徐本蒼 張圣生

解光文 楊春惠 阮雪楓 周杰


文 / 鄭彤 李萍萍

圖 / 王文 劉勤利 高斌張倩瑩







