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打卡地 | 打卡山門洞,探尋地球迷宮

2023-02-27 10:52:19 來源:安徽省文化和旅游廳   編輯:田雙   



北宋沈括曾寫詩“溪水激激山攢攢,蒼崖腹封壁四環(huán)。一門中嚂俯驚瀾 , 造物為此良有源。”可見,它自古就聲譽在外。

山門洞Shanmendong Cave

Starting a journey is always something meaningful. If you want to know the explanation of the meaning, you may find it on your way. Come and visit the Shanmendong Scenic Area in Ningguo and explore the miracle of nature and the mystery of life.

The area at the foot of the mountain was also called Shimen (stone gate) in history, and another name for it was Lingyan (divine rock). The stone gate has been famous far and near since ancient times.

神奇山門洞Amazing Shanmendong Cave

一進山洞,古樹參天、翠竹亭亭,萬畝竹海、百畝榧林,還有千年銀杏群,萬棵紅豆杉。有人說,宇宙里最大的聲音是寂靜,大音希聲,大象無形,那么此刻,讓我們在這里,傾聽一下萬物生靈。這里有千畝玉蘭花海,白的、粉的、紫的;這里有千年天然溶洞,明心,朝陽,靈巖。只要有你想抵達的地方,這里就有為你延伸的路。您可以約著三五好友一起來這里遠足、探險、 燒烤、篝火、游泳、漂流、釣魚、宿營 , 山水無言,自在由心。閑暇有余,您還可以逛逛洞市老街 , 夜宿山莊 , 喝羅府家酒 , 品麻溪河魚,然后在夜幕降臨的時候,等一抹流星,照亮你心中未完成的夢。

地球迷宮 The 'Earth' Labyrinth Complex

After passing through the stone gate, you will see towering ancient trees and elegant bamboos. Inside the scenic area are an extremely large bamboo sea covering a land of 10,000 mu, a large torreya forest covering 100, a cluster of ginkgo trees aged over 1,000 years and a woods of Chinese yew trees totaling up to 10,000. Some people say that the loudest sound in the universe is silence. The loudest sound cannot be heard and the largest image has no shape. Anyhow, let's try to listen to the sound of all living things here at the moment. You can asked several friends to come here for hiking, adventuring, and enjoying barbecue around a bonfire, or swimming,rafting, fishing, and camping. It is here you can fully enjoy the peaceful environment thanks to the silence of the mountains and waters. If you have enough time, you may pay a visit to the old street there. You may stay in a mountain hotel there over the night, take a sip of local liqueur branded Luofu Jiajiu, and have a taste of the fish from the Maxi River. When night falls, you may observe meteors that could illuminate the dream to be finished in your heart.

準(zhǔn)備好浪漫,跟我們一起來到網(wǎng)紅打卡點―― 百畝粉黛園。這里粉黛似錦,隨風(fēng)蕩漾,花海如潮,美若仙境。如海子所說,“你來人間一趟,你要看看太陽,和你的心上人,一起走在大街上。”讓我們和心愛之人一起沐浴在這浪漫的粉色花海里,感受這深秋的浪漫。


Winter Jasmine in front of Shanmendong

When you are ready for something romantic, please come with us to Fendaiyuan, a flower garden in a land of about one hundred mu, which is also a top tourist attraction popular on line. The field full of flowers is like brocade, rippling in the wind, and the place is like a fairyland in a sea of flowers. Let's bathe in the sea of the pink flowers with our loved ones and feel the romance of late autumn.


Fendai Park featuring muhlenbergia capillaris


The last stop should be the mind-boggling labyrinth complex, which is rated as a super large comprehensive labyrinth complex in China, containing seven different types of labyrinths, namely: the magic land labyrinth with refl ections from all directions, the beehive-like labyrinth for those with super brains, the moving labyrinth that changes view at yourwill, the bamboo labyrinth with paths leading to all directions, the fl owersea labyrinth that makes you lose bearings, the dragon-kiln labyrinth that troubles you when you choose orientation, and the rainbow labyrinth featuring a pattern of colorful eight trigrams. The seven unique labyrinths are connected in sequence. To reach the final exit, you need to shake yourself out from all of them one by one. Just as Zhu Deyong said, life is like a labyrinth. We spend the early half of our life to fi nd the entrance, and the rest to fi nd the exit. Whether it is by the entrance or by the exit, as long as we have love, we can always fi nd the value of life in the vastness of mountains and rivers.


Shanmendong Ginkgo Park(a group of photos)


If a mountain is far away from me, I will go to it; if the wind does not blow around me, I will chase after it boldly. Shanmendong, a scenic area behind the stone gate, is worth visiting!

文字:呂 嵐  圖片:胡 博




